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Winning Notification Ref: FL-L49UK/11/03

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Please See Attachment To View Your Winning Notification.


Mrs Maria Evarisa.

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Winning Notification Ref: FL-L49UK/11/03

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please See Attachment To View Your Winning Notification.


Mrs Maria Evarisa.

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Berita Bola Real Madrid dan Cristiano Ronaldo

Berita Bola
Permainan apik mega bintang Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo pada musim ini sungguh mengesankan, pemain tim nasional Portugal itu berhasil mencetak 16 gol dari delapan penampilannya bersama Los Merengues di semua kompetisi. Wajar kalau Ronaldo sering menjadi berita dan diidolai jutaan orang.

Meski berstatus bintang dunia, pemain berusia 29 tahun tersebut tidak selalu terbawa arus untuk mengikuti gaya hidup super star yang lain. Karena memang Ronaldo adalah sosok yang unik.

Inilah Berita Bola sepuluh hal menarik mengenai Cristiano Ronaldo yang tidak ada ada di sosok pemain bintang lainnya, seperti mengutip dari PurelyFootball, Kamis (30/10/2014):

1. Tidak Memiliki Tato

Tidak seperti sebagian besar pemain bintang lainnya, Ronaldo tidak memiliki satu pun tato di bagian tubuhnya. Hal itu dilakukannya agar ia bisa setidaknya dua kali dalam setahun mendonorkan darahnya. Menurut Palang Merah Internasional, jarum tato adalah alat yang paling berpengaruh atas penularaan penyakit HIV, Hepatitis, serta beberapa penyakit darah lainnya. Itulah alasan mengapa mantan pemain Manchester United itu tidak mau menato tubuhnya.

2. Seorang yang Sangat Dermawan

Banyak yang menilai pemain yang kerap disapa CR7 itu merupakan sosok yang arogan dan sombong. Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya Ronaldo merupakan individu yang sangat dermawan. Ingat pada saat bencana alam Tsunami melanda Daerah Istimewa Aceh pada 2004 silam, Ronaldo mengunjungi daerah tersebut untuk bertemu dan membantu seorang anak bernama Martunis yang selamat dari gelombang dahsyat dan mengenakan jersey Timnas Portugal dengan nama dan nomor punggung bintang Madrid itu.

3. Pemain dengan Penghasilan Tertinggi

Sudah bukan sesuatu yang asing di telinga bahwa Ronaldo merupakan pemain dengan gaji tertinggi di dunia. Hal itu semakin dikuatkan setelah dirinya masuk majalah bisnis ternama di Amerika Serikat, Forbes yang mencantumkan namanya di posisi paling atas dalam urusan penghasilan tertinggi yang diterima atlet sepakbola. Dan berada di urutan kesembilan dari sepuluh atlet berpenghasilan tertinggi di dunia.

4. Atlet Paling Sering Dicari di Internet

Ronaldo juga merupakan pemain yang paling banyak dicari orang di Google. Orang-orang ingin mengetahui informasi tentang transfer, peristiwa, cedera, pertandingan yang akan dimainkan, bahkan statistik permainan yang berkaitan dengan Ronaldo. Sehingga menurut perusahaan perangkat lunak ternama asal Amerika Serikat, McAfee, kekasih dari Irina Shayk itu menjadi orang yang namanya paling tidak aman, dengan resiko keamanan hingga mencapai 6,2 %.

5. Satu-satunya Pemain yang Memiliki Museum Sendiri

Mungkin sebagian besar pemain akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk menjaga semua pengharaannya di tempat paling aman. Akan tetapi, tidak untuk Ronaldo, ia justru membuat sebuah museum khusus dirinya yang dibuka untuk umum. Di dalam museum tersebut, terdapat seluruh penghargaan yang diraihnya sepanjang kariernya sebagai pesepakbola, selain itu di museum CR7 terpajang juga bola pertandingan, jersey, lukisan, serta patung-patung dirinya yang telah ia kumpulkan selama bertahun-tahun.

6. Menjadi Duta Budaya dan Pemuda Portugal

Selain menjabat sebagai kapten Timnas Portugal, Ronaldo juga ditunjuk sebagai Duta Budaya dan Pemuda oleh pemerintah negaranya. Hal itu bertujuaan agar para pemuda Portugal menjadikan Ronaldo sebagai panutan, sehingga akan muncul Ronaldo-ronaldo lainnya pada masa yang akan datang. Bahkan penunjukan dirinya sebagai duta tersebut, mendapatkan perintah langsung dari Presiden Portugal, Anibal Cavaco Silva.

7. Pemain dengan Lompatan Tertinggi

Selain memiliki insting mencetak gol dan teknik mengontrol bola yang luar biasa, ternyata Ronaldo juga mampu melompat sangat tinggi hingga mencapai ketinggian 78 cm atau unggul 7 cm dari rata-rata atlet NBA. Hal itu terlihat kala timnya, Madrid berhadapan dengan United dalam babak perdelapanfinal Liga Champions musim 2012-2013. Pada laga itu, Ronaldo mampu melompat sangat tinggi, bahkan bagian kakinya setara dengan kepala Patrice Evra.

8. Lebih Lincah dari Kucing

Sebuah fakta menarik lainnya ialah bahwa Ronaldo mampu bergerak lebih cepat dari seekor kucing rumah. Sesuatu yang terbilang tidak mungkin untuk ukuran manusia biasa, akan tetapi itu merupakan sebuah kenyataan yang berdasarkan sumber. Hal tersebut terlihat dari keberadaan lemak di dalam tubuhnya yang hanya mencapai 10%, atau bisa dikatakan bahwa sebagian besar tubuhnya merupakan otot. Sehingga memudahkannya untuk bergerak, berlari, dan melompat lebih lincah dari seekor kucing.

9. Mampu Mengangkat 16 Mobil Toyota Prius

Dalam sebuah sesi latihan fisik yang dilakukan oleh Real Madrid di sebuah gym, staf kepelatihan Los Merengues mencatat sebuah fakta mengejutkan, bahwa Ronaldo mampu mengangkat beban hingga 23,055 kg atau setara dengan berat 16 mobil Toyota Prius.

10. Sempat Mengidap Kelainan Jantung

Pada usia 15 tahun kondisi jantung Ronaldo hampir menghancurkan kesempatannya untuk menjadi pemain sepakbola professional. Dia diagnosis oleh dokter menderita penyakit Takikardia, sehingga jantung yang dimiliki oleh Ronaldo bekerja lebih cepat untuk ukuran pesepakbola. Beruntungnya, Ronaldo mendapatkan penanganan tepat dengan melakukan operasi laser pada bagian jantungnya yang bermasalah, sehingga ia dapat melanjutkan mimpinya dan menjadi seorang Ronaldo seperti yang sekarang.

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Agen Bola Terpercaya Bandar Judi Taruhan Online

Agen Bola Terpercaya Bandar Judi Taruhan Online. Dalam Ensiklopedia Indonesia[1] Judi diartikan sebagai suatu kegiatan
pertaruhan untuk memperoleh keuntungan dari hasil suatu pertandingan,
permainan atau kejadian yang hasilnya tidak dapat diduga sebelumnya.

Sedangkan Dra. Kartini Kartono[2] mengartikan judi adalah pertaruhan
dengan sengaja, yaitu mempertaruhkan satu nilai atau sesuatu yang
dianggap bernilai, dengan menyadari adanya risiko dan harapan-harapan
tertentu pada peristiwa-peristiwa permainan, pertandingan, perlombaan
dan kejadian-kejadian yang tidak / belum pasti hasilnya.

Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana Pasal 303 ayat (3) mengartikan judi
adalah tiap-tiap permainan yang mendasarkan pengharapan buat menang pada
umumnya bergantung kepada untung-untungan saja dan juga kalau
pengharapan itu jadi bertambah besar karena kepintaran dan kebiasaan
pemainan. Termasuk juga main judi adalah pertaruhan tentang keputusan
perlombaan atau permainan lain, yang tidak diadakan oleh mereka yang
turut berlomba atau bermain itu, demikian juga segala permainan

Dan lain-lainnya pada Pasal 303 ayat (3) diatas secara detil dijelaskan
dalam penjelasan Pasal 1 Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 9 Tahun 1981
tentang Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1974 tentang Penertiban
Perjudian. Antara lain adalah rolet, poker, hwa-hwe, nalo, adu ayam, adu
sapi, adu kerbau, adu kambing, pacuan kuda dan karapan sapi.[3]

Dari pengertian diatas maka ada tiga unsur agar suatu perbuatan dapat
dinyatakan sebagai judi. Yaitu adanya unsur :

* Permainan / perlombaan. Perbuatan yang dilakukan biasanya
berbentuk permainan atau perlombaan. Jadi dilakukan semata-mata untuk
bersenang-senang atau kesibukan untuk mengisi waktu senggang guna
menghibur hati. Jadi bersifat rekreatif. Namun disini para pelaku tidak
harus terlibat dalam permainan. Karena boleh jadi mereka adalah penonton
atau orang yang ikut bertaruh terhadap jalannya sebuah permainan atau

* Untung-untungan. Artinya untuk memenangkan permainan atau
perlombaan ini lebih banyak digantungkan kepada unsur spekulatif /
kebetulan atau untung-untungan. Atau faktor kemenangan yang diperoleh
dikarenakan kebiasaan atau kepintaran pemain yang sudah sangat terbiasa
atau terlatih.

* Ada taruhan. Dalam permainan atau perlombaan ini ada taruhan
yang dipasang oleh para pihak pemain atau bandar. Baik dalam bentuk uang
ataupun harta benda lainnya. Bahkan kadang istripun bisa dijadikan
taruhan. Akibat adanya taruhan maka tentu saja ada pihak yang
diuntungkan dan ada yang dirugikan. Unsur ini merupakan unsur yang
paling utama untuk menentukan apakah sebuah perbuatan dapat disebut
sebagai judi atau bukan.

Dari uraian di atas maka jelas bahwa segala perbuatan yang memenuhi
ketiga unsur diatas, meskipun tidak disebut dalam Peraturan Pemerintah
RI Nomor 9 Tahun 1981 adalah masuk kategori judi meskipun dibungkus
dengan nama-nama yang indah sehingga nampak seperti sumbangan, semisal
PORKAS atau SDSB. Bahkan sepakbola, pingpong, bulutangkis, voley dan
catur bisa masuk kategori judi, bila dalam prakteknya memenuhi ketiga
unsur diatas.

I.3. Jenis-Jenis Perjudian

Dalam PP No. 9 tahun 1981 tentang Pelaksanaan Penertiban Perjudian,
perjudian dikategorikan menjadi tiga. Pertama, perjudian di kasino yang
terdiri dari Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat, Creps, Keno, Tombola, Super
Ping-pong, Lotto Fair, Satan, Paykyu, Slot Machine (Jackpot), Ji Si Kie,
Big Six Wheel, Chuc a Luck, Lempar paser / bulu ayam pada sasaran atau
papan yang berputar (Paseran). Pachinko, Poker, Twenty One, Hwa Hwe
serta Kiu-Kiu.

Kedua, perjudian di tempat keramaian yang terdiri dari lempar paser /
bulu ayam pada sasaran atau papan yang berputar (Paseran), lempar
gelang, lempar uang (Coin), kim, pancingan, menembak sasaran yang tidak
berputar, lempar bola, adu ayam, adu sapi, adu kerbau, adu
domba/kambing, pacu kuda, karapan sapi, pacu anjing, kailai,
mayong/macak dan erek-erek.

Ketiga, perjudian yang dikaitkan dengan kebiasaan yang terdiri dari adu
ayam, adu sapi, adu kerbau, pacu kuda, karapan sapi, adu domba/kambing.

Jika kita perhatikan perjudian yang berkembang dimasyarakat bisa
dibedakan berdasarkan alat / sarananya. Yaitu ada yang menggunakan
hewan, kartu, mesin ketangkasan, bola, video, internet dan berbagai
jenis permainan olah raga.

Selain yang tercantum dalam Peraturan Pemerintah tersebut diatas, masih
banyak perjudian yang berkembang di masyarakat. Semisal “adu doro”,
yaitu judi dengan mengadu burung merpati. Dimana pemenangnya ditentukan
oleh peserta yang merpatinya atau merpati yang dijagokannya mencapai
finish paling awal.

Yang paling marak biasanya saat piala dunia. Baik di kampung, kantor dan
cafe, baik tua maupun muda, sibuk bertaruh dengan menjagokan tim
favoritnya masing-masing. Bahkan bermain caturpun kadang dijadikan judi.
Sehingga benar kata orang “kalau orang berotak judi, segala hal dapat
dijadikan sarana berjudi”.

Pada umumnya masyarakat Indonesia berjudi dengan menggunakan kartu remi,
domino, rolet dan dadu. Namun yang paling marak adalah judi togel (toto
gelap). Yaitu dengan cara menebak dua angka atau lebih. Bila tebakannya
tepat maka sipembeli mendapatkan hadiah beberapa ratus atau ribu kali
lipat dari jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan. Judi ini mirip dengan judi
buntut yang berkembang pesat pada tahun delapan puluhan sebagai ekses
dari SDSB / Porkas.

Dikutip dari : Buku Indonesia Negeri Judi by Haryanto

Salah satu iklan judi di internet

[1] Ensiklopedia Nasional Indonesia, Op. cit. hal. 474.

[2] Kartini Kartono, op. cit. , hal. 65

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Download Virtual Villagers 5 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC


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Download Virtual Villagers 5 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!


These poor villagers washed up on shore after surviving a horrific volcanic eruption. You have to guide them in learning how to survive in this real-time simulation game. They learn by doing, but you might have to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't give up too easily. They need to become farmers, builders, scientists, parents and more in order to thrive on this new island. How will you lead your tribe?

These poor villagers washed up on shore after surviving a horrific volcanic eruption. You have to guide them in learning how to survive in this real-time simulation game. They learn by doing, but you might have to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't give up too easily. They need to become farmers, builders, scientists, parents and more in order to thrive on this new island. How will you lead your tribe?

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Virtual Villagers is a downloadable real-time simulation game developed by Last Day of Work, the creators of Fish Tycoon and a number of other casual sim games. Take charge of a village of crash survivors and help them carve out a living on a jungle island. Teach them to farm, help them research scientific advancements and expand their population. It's a remarkably addictive game that's easy to play but impossible to stay away from!

virtualvillagers2.jpgYou begin with a small handful of untrained villagers. Teach them to perform various tasks such as farming, building, researching, breeding and healing. An extremely helpful tutorial guides you through the game's basics, but everything operates on a simple drag-and-drop mechanic. Want to train a scientist? Drop a villager on the research table. Need to pick berries for food? Drag someone over the berry bush. Villagers may not take to a task immediately, so sometimes you'll have to be persistent.

Once you get everything started, it's time to leave your people alone. Virtual Villagers plays out in real-time so even when the game isn't running the villagers are working hard. Each time you play you'll see the fruits of their labor and can give them new directions or just check up on their progress. You can also adjust the speed to anticipate any gaps in your playing time or to get things moving a little more quickly. Virtual Villagers is just as much about waiting as it is playing.

The strategy in Virtual Villagers comes from how many villagers you assign to each task and how you choose to upgrade your abilities. You accumulate Tech points by getting people to do scientific research. Use these points to upgrade your population's building skills, farming abilities, etc. With each new level opens more possibilities of exploration and survival. The trick is managing which abilities get upgraded first and how you use those new skills to better your village.

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Download Turbo Sub full version pc game and Play it on Your PC


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Download Turbo Sub full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!


In Turbo Subs sandwiches are the name of the game int he city that never sleeps - New York.

In Turbo Subs you are the waitresses and your mission is to serve as many customers as possible using your mouse. To take an order, click on the customer and then you have to relay the order to the kitchen and then you click back on the customer. If he or she is satisfied with their service, you earn a succulent tip which is the game's scoring system. However - that's not your only problem. There are also frequent raids by thieves trying to steal cash from the till and all your tips. You have to fight these off whilst at the same time, coming up with new and interesting sauces to in crease your customer satisfaction and thus tips. The game features cool cartoon style graphics and some catch melodies to help you along your way. It is however a little bit boring as there's not much variation other than taking and relaying orders.

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A super-charged sequel to the hit time management game Turbo Pizza, Turbo Subs is twice the fun, twice the challenge, with twice as much speed. Hit the kitchen running as Rebecca and Robert continue their pursuit of building the greatest restaurant franchise in town. Except now they find themselves in a much bigger town, New York City! With loads of upgrades, secret sauces, and unique tastes, Turbo Subs is a delicious new adventure for the whole family!

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Help Rebecca and Robert open successful sandwich shops in three whimsical New York City locations. Satisfy impatient customers, fend off villainous thieves and upgrade your restaurants in this super-charged sequel to Turbo Pizza!



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Download The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2 full version For Free


Download The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2 full version For Free

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Solve a series of baffling new crimes as the intrepid detective in The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2, the long-awaited sequel to the hit game.

Return to 221 Baker St. and join the famous Sherlock Holmes as he dusts off his magnifying glass to solve a series of crimes in Victorian England. Visit Stonehenge, Marlsbury Castle, London's Music Hall and more as your astute observational skills are put to the test to gather evidence in 60 brilliantly rendered locations. Can you both figure out who is the criminal?


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Return to 221 Baker St. and play as the famous Sherlock Holmes to solve 16 mysterious crimes in Victorian England.

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Over 50 mind bending puzzles and minigames in each case which includes anagrams and cryptograms and more
Over 40 levels of hidden object and find the difference gameplay
60 brilliantly rendered locations around Victorian England including Stonehenge and Marlsbury Castle and Londons Music Hall and more
100 lively characters which includes Watson and Mycroft and Inspector Lestrade
USA Today Casual Encounters says Armchair sleuths who enjoy HOGs and other head scratching puzzles will find this detective adventure a gratifying download

  Download The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

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Download The Treasures of Montezuma 3 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC


Download The Treasures of Montezuma 3 full version For Free

Download The Treasures of Montezuma 3 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!


Match tokens to unlock incredible riches in The Treasures of Montezuma 3! With over 200 levels, amazing visual effects, explosive audio and stunning backgrounds that shatter the boundaries of art in casual games, The Treasures of Montezuma 3 is a must-have game for match-three fans!

The Treasures of Montezuma 3 will challenge your skills as you try to rack up as many points as possible in one minute. The Magic Totems make a return, allowing players to pull off insane combos. By using the powers of the totems strategically, you can score high enough to earn the Magic Stars you need to upgrade your bonus items to the max! Don't miss out on playing the most spectacular match-three game in the award-winning Montezuma series!


Download The Treasures of Montezuma 3 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

160 arcade levels
42 mind-melting puzzle levels
Casual and Expert modes
Five treasure rooms
40 treasure chests
22 trophies
Stunning visuals
Incredible sound effects
OpenFeint support

Montezuma Puzzle is a relaxing and logical tiling Puzzle game in the Ancient Aztec Empire scenery. Arrange the puzzle shapes in the right patterns. Sounds simple? Try out!

You have one chance in a million to find and get legendary Montezuma treasure and its immortality. Don’t miss this chance, such things happen ones in a lifetime. Treasure sparkle and attract, but they are guarded by the spirits of ancient totems. Solve their puzzles and they will give you wealth and immortality!
But be careful! Nothing can last forever even in the legends… One wrong step or time flying too fast can play an evil joke on you... TRY and RISK – we only live once and the legends of immortality and wealth are eternal! The game offers full support of Touch Screen/Stylus and other telephones!

  Download The Treasures of Montezuma 3 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

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Make Money From Your Facebook Account

Facebook fan pages represent the *PERFECT* publishing platform to promote affiliate offers – yet most affiliates are doing it wrong. You can earn thousands if you tap into the right traffic …

To succeed, you need to harness the viral consciousness of Facebook ...

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Chris Carpenter just updated “Info Cash” with brand new training and a custom Facebook app that helps you find the most viral content on Facebook, so you can quickly duplicate it direct to your fan page, alongside your personal affiliate links.

Info Cash 2 is the fastest and easiest way to make money online, and it’s a real game changer!

The new Info Cash Fan Page Builder application can explode your income, bringing together the very best viral content, the best products and the most engaged fans – all together on your fan page, so you earn massive on-going affiliate commissions.

With this new Facebook application, you can make money today:

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Sounds too good to be true right?

Check out this free video presentation and decide for yourself!

Chris is actually giving away his proven “7 Step System” to Make Money Online for FREE!

Take the time to watch this free video now:

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Download Mahjong full version pc game and Play it on Your PC


Download Mahjong full version For Free

Download Mahjong full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!


Did you know there is actually a difference between Mahjong (also spelled mahjongg, mah-jong, or mah-jongg) and Mahjong Solitaire? Mahjong is actually a 4 player game involving skill, strategy, calculation, and luck; while Mahjong solitaire is a tile matching, single player game.

‘Mah-jong’ can be translated from Chinese as ‘clattering sparrow’, ‘flax sparrow’ or possibly as ‘hemp bird’. The tiles when shuffled make a melodious noise reminiscent of the noise of numerous sparrows squabbling over scattered food crumbs.

Since many of us are addicted to this little game, I thought I’d put it up here in case we are ever away from our computer but have access to an Internet connection that way we can hustle on over here and get a fix! (Get to it already!)
How to Play

Download Mahjong full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

The goal is to clear the board by removing all the tiles from the layout. Layouts can differ in pattern, size and height. There exist hundreds of different layouts. You must remove the tiles in pairs. A pair consists of two tiles which both are a) “free” and b) identical (or of the same type).

A tile is “free” when:
no other tile is lying above or is partially covering it
no other tile is lying to the left or to the right of it

Two tiles are identical if they look exactly the same (of course…). An exception to this are the Flowers and Seasons tiles. They are non-identical matching tiles and belong to the same type. All the Flowers tiles match one another and all the Season tiles match one another. You should study them before starting a game.

Each tile appears four times in a standard solitaire mahjongg game. Again an exception for the Flowers and Seasons tiles who appear only once each during a game.

It’s not as easy as it sounds; you can end up with having matched the “wrong” pairs and you may find yourself stuck, with unmatchable tiles blocking other key tiles so you can’t clear the layout. You must be careful before removing a pair, you should look for where the remaining pair is in the layout and plan ahead. If all four of an identical tile are free, remove them to ‘unclutter’ the field. It’s not only a game of pure luck, you have to play strategic.

Remember that there are four of each tile. When removing a pair, an identical pair exists in the layout. Is it trapped by your removal of the first pair?
Concentrate your efforts on long rows and tall stacks.
Plan ahead as many moves as you can.
If all four of a tile are available, remove them all to unclutter the field.
Identify as many matching pairs as possible. Check for tiles that need to be unblocked.
Beware of triples (three matching free tiles); choose carefully which pair you remove. Leave the one that’s blocking the least important tiles.
Concentrate on removing pairs that will unblock the most tiles.

Free Mahjong Game offers the following options:

Dream - Very easy Mahjong
Towers - Easy tiles removal
Cloud - Normal Mahjongg play
Red Dragon - Hard to play solitaire
Ninja Game - The unbeatable Mah-jong

Challenge yourself and move to the top of the tower; win and feel the satisfaction of completion by finishing all mahjong solitaires included in this online version of the classic tiles game.

A "How to Play Mahjong" screen option will give you the basics on how to play the game.

  Download Mahjong full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

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Download Luxor 5 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC


Download Luxor 5 full version For Free

Download Luxor 5 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!


Get ready to wield your winged-scarab shooter in Luxor: 5th Passage, an exciting and fantastic Marble Popper game! Fire colored balls into the advancing chain of colored spheres to eliminate them before they destroy the pyramids. Earn incredible achievements as you collect falling treasures and eliminate the incoming marbles. Use awesome power-ups to blast your way through every level and save Egypt!

Download Luxor 5 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

Luxor - 5th Passage is an amazing sequel in the #1 action-puzzle series of all time! Set failed to destroy Osiris and take over his kingdom, but seizes a new moment to attack when power of the realm is transferred to Horus. Horus hand-picks you to join him in this final battle. Stand with Horus and rid the kingdom of this menace once and for all in Luxor - 5th Passage!
Don't wait any longer - Play Luxor - 5th Passage Deluxe for free today!

celebrate 5 years of thrilling Luxor action with this fantastic 3-in-a-row adventure
challenge 100 dazzling levels and unlock 20 wonderful achievements
use magnificent power-ups including four new ones and the last-ditch Eye of Horus
play the all-new Blast mode or through 15 fan favorite levels in the People's Choice mode

Requirements to play the full version

Operating System: Windows Vista/7/8
Processor: 1.6 GHz or higher
Memory: 256 MB RAM or more
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 or higher
This game doesn't work with touchscreen.
You can't play this game on a mobile phone or a tablet.

  Download Luxor 5 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

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Download Burger Shop 2 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC

Download Burger Shop 2 full version For Free

Download Burger Shop 2 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

In Burger Shop 2, you are once again tasked with combining ingredients coming from an ever-
producing food machine to serve the constant stream of customers coming into the restaurant.
In addition to the burgers and sandwiches that you dealt with in the first game, you will also be
responsible to serve a number of breakfast and dinner items, such as bacon and eggs, waffles,
roasted chicken, and meatloaf. In addition to rebuilding a successful restaurant empire, you will
also be trying to figure out exactly what happened to you and the burger shops you originally

Download Burger Shop 2 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

Burger Shop 2
Cook up more fun than ever before in Burger Shop 2, the eagerly anticipated sequel to the hit
arcade game.

Thanks to out-of-this-world help from BurgerTron 2000 and your superb skills, you were able to
build a burger empire in Burger Shop. You were on top of the world but now, well, you're in a
dumpster . . . literally. And that's just the start! Not only have you been thrown out with the trash,
but your restaurants have been boarded up and there's a strange bump on you head too!

Join BurgerTron 2000 and BurgerBot 2.0 on a fast-paced trip through town to rebuild your
burger business. Meet all-new customers, serve new menu items, and uncover the truth about
what happened to your original burger chain in 120 challenging levels.

Critics called the first Burger Shop, "a game that's definitely worth sinking your teeth into." Now,
go beyond burgers in Burger Shop 2 with more than 100 dishes to cook, special achievement
trophies to earn, and much more. Play Burger Shop 2 free with the trial version, or download the
full version and enjoy unlimited fun today.

Download Burger Shop 2 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!

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